actor, writer, creator

Meet Marshall!

Hey! My name is Marshall and I’m a queer, Korean-American actor, writer, performer with a passion for diverse, funny, and truthful stories.

I’m a firm believer in shaping a more colorful, truthful landscape in our industry. I push for new stories that bring voices to the table that we otherwise may not get to see all that often. 

Originally from Arlington, Massachusetts (about 6 miles north of Boston!), I’ve acted professionally in both theatre and film around the Greater Boston Area, New York City and more. I am a graduate of Penn State University’s B.F.A. Acting Program. Additionally, my own original work has been produced several times here in New York, at Penn State and beyond by esteemed directors such as Steve Broadnax III (Thoughts of a Colored Man).

Learn more about me below!

Recent News

Marshall recently premiered their original play, (t)RUST, at The Tank NYC this past April. Read about the production here:

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